A New Year Begins

Goals, Personal Growth

January 04, 2021

A new year begins.

May it bring you and your loved ones new bursts of happiness. And health.

That is all that matters. Right?

I know how hard 2020 was for so many of you.

For those who lost friends or family to the coronavirus, KT and I send an extra strong hug your way.

For those of you heroically juggling remote learning and work, know the same hug is sent daily, and we ache for all that has been put on your plate.

For those of you struggling with the isolation that comes from heeding the health directives, know you are not alone. (And btw, come join the community at my Women & Money app. Sure, the focus is on “money stuff”, but if you could use a friendly hi and connection with a fantastic group of people, we’re here for you! Here’s how to get the free app.)

And if we are honest, we know this new year may continue to be a challenge. At least until enough of us have been able to receive an effective vaccine.

My message to you has nothing to do with finances. Right now all I want to tell you is that I understand how hard this is. I understand the anxiety. I understand how overwhelming it may seem.

I send you my love.

And know I am rooting for you.

Even if you have your doubts, I know you can move onward and upward. It’s a choice. It’s an effort. But if you’re here with me, reading this, I know you have what it takes. You are all about caring for yourself and your family, and you come to me for help with the financial aspects of that care. That’s proof you have chosen to do, not just hope.

As I have long shared, the only way to conquer fear is through action.

My wish for you this coming year is that you continue to put one foot in front of the other each and every day, making the choices that address your fears. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. Courage grows when we take action. And it ultimately creates joy. Yes, joy! There’s a word we haven’t heard much of lately.

But I am very serious. There is joy in realizing you have everything it takes to build a better life. It may take time. There will definitely be more detours and speedbumps to navigate—that’s life—but the more you get out there and take action, the more you realize how strong and capable you are. I wish you that joy. Happy New Year, my friends.

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