Don’t You Dare Give Up on Your Resolutions

Do's And Don’ts., Goals, Personal Growth

February 04, 2021

February is a rough month for good intentions. Surveys show that this is the month when many of us lose the momentum to stick to our New Year’s resolutions.

Are you having a hard time with a financial goal?

I would love it if you pinged me in the Women & Money app. Use the Ask Suze feature to tell me a little bit about what you’re trying to achieve and why you are having a hard time sticking to your plan. I’d love to hear from you, and I will spend some time in a future podcast talking about how to stay motivated.

I also encourage you to post about your financial resolutions in the Community Share section of the app. Don’t be shy. Anyone who is working toward a goal is strong and amazing. Period. There is no shame or blame in our community. Just admiration and encouragement.

Sharing your resolution with a good friend or family member can also be helpful. Not only will that person want to listen, but he or she can also become your “accountability coach.” This isn’t a coach who chastises you or guilts you. Rather, it’s the friend who has your back. Who reminds you how amazing you are, and that you have everything it takes to keep walking toward your goal.

And please don’t fall into the horrible trap of thinking your financial goal is too embarrassing to share. The point isn’t that you have a lot of credit card debt, or made some spending mistakes, or have delayed for years taking control of your financial life. The only thing that matters is that you have made it a goal to tackle a financial problem. When you set that goal, you are being a warrior. And even warriors can benefit from the support of friends.

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