If you own a car, your auto insurance premium is riding on how good you are at paying your bills on time, and other signals of financial health.
In response to an overwhelming number of you who asked, this podcast of Ask Suze Anything is all about saving you money on home and auto insurance.
If you drive a car I sure hope you are responsible and have insurance. And I want to make sure that everyone who has auto insurance, has the right level of coverage.
According to a national survey of auto insurance premiums by online site The Zebra, the cost of insuring a car has increased by 20 percent on average since 2011.
If you have spent more than three minutes watching broadcast television, you’re well aware that insurance companies are eager to get your business. But despite all those commercials, the reality is that many drivers aren’t shopping around for the best auto insurance deal.
Low gas prices coupled with a continuing-to-improve economy is not necessarily good news for your auto insurance. As the number of miles driven rises—it is up more than 6% over the past two years-so too do accidents. And then there is the very scary fact that distracted driving is also causing more accidents.