For this Ask KT & Suze Anything episode, Suze answers your questions about withdrawing from an IRA, fear of the markets, renting versus buying and so much more!
On this edition of Ask KT and Suze Anything, Suze answers questions about term insurance policies, IRA rollovers, and interest rates. Plus, a quizzie about selling a home with no mortgage to buy
This episode is part two of the special Suze master class, from Episode 604, about what to do when you inherit a pre-tax retirement account. KT gathered up your questions and you’ll hear Suze answ
Suze teaches a special master class about what to do when you inherit a pre-tax retirement account. You’ll learn the different benefits if you're an eligible designated beneficiary and a non-eligi
On this edition of Ask KT and Suze Anything, Suze answers questions about buying rental property, IRAs, and protecting your identity. Plus a quizzy about paying for home repairs and more.
I am a big fan of 401(k) rollovers into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) when you leave a job. One of the advantages is that if your 401(k) doesn’t offer low-cost index mutual funds, when y
Making an “early” withdrawal from a retirement account is typically a costly decision, as the government tacks on a 10% penalty for early withdrawals made from traditional IRAs and 401(k)s before
We finally have definitive rules from the IRS on how IRA beneficiaries must handle required minimum distributions (RMD).
For this Suze School episode, Suze reads an email from a listener who wants to retire, but it may not be the right time. Is it too late to change the plan? Listen, as Suze explains the situation
On this edition of Ask KT and Suze Anything, Suze answers questions about ROTHs, IRA contributions, spousal credit card debt, plus a “Should I Do It?” quizzy and so much more!
The Internal Revenue Service just announced an important rule for the 2024 tax year that impacts anyone with an inherited IRA.
On this edition of Ask KT and Suze Anything, Suze tells you how to avoid some of the biggest mistakes you can never afford to make, plus answers to questions about Social Security, trusts, prenups
For this episode of Ask KT and Suze Anything, Suze answers questions about IRA contributions, what happens when only one spouse works, selling a home and so much more.
On this Suze School, we get a lesson on the language of money in retirement accounts. We’ll learn about rollovers, transfers and conversions.
On this edition of Ask KT & Suze Anything, Suze answers questions about trusts, IRAs, reverse mortgages, savings accounts for children and more.
As a follow-up to a question on last Sunday’s special Ask KT & Suze Anything, Suze does a deep dive explaining how to handle an annuity inside an IRA rollover and how that impacts your RMD.
This special Sunday edition of Ask KT & Suze Anything, is all about inherited IRAs. Since the rules for inherited IRAs have changed dramatically, it's important for you to know how to apply those rul
Anyone other than a spouse who inherited an IRA in 2020 or later has faced a new set of rules on when they must take distributions (and pay the IRA tax on those distributions if the money was in a tra
A child, grandchild, niece or nephew, or just a younger friend with a paying summer job is likely not making a ton of money.
On this Ask Suze and KT Anything episode, Suze answers questions about gifted IRAs, I Bonds, long term care insurance, updated wills, logistics of moving away from a financial advisor and more.
Since so many listeners are still writing Suze with questions about the Five Year Rule in relation to ROTHs, we’re replaying this Suze School from February 2022, about the rule.
My friend, you now have even more reasons to follow my advice and save for retirement using a Roth account.
Congress recently passed a bunch of new rules that will impact how much you can save for retirement, make it easier to save in Roth accounts, and change when retirees must start taking withdrawals fro
On today’s episode, Suze reviews the Secure Act 2.0 and the changes to the age for RMDs, excess contributions and more.
On the final Suze School of 2022, Suze starts out with a reflection of the many lessons we learned this year.
This episode of Ask KT and Suze Anything is a little different.
Today’s episode is a Suze School packed with everything you need to know about the changes to contribution limits in Roth IRAs and how you can calculate the changes in modified adjusted gross inco
On this episode of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions about the best ways to rollover a retirement account, real estate tax exemptions, life estates and more.
The high rate of inflation this year has triggered an increase in how much you will be allowed to save in an IRA in 2023.
On this episode of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions about the best ways to start saving money, designating a beneficiary of an IRA, life insurance, inheriting from overseas and more.
This Suze School covers more about Series I Bonds, and since many people are still confused about Treasury bills, bonds and notes, we get a refresher.
A few months ago I explained the confusing situation the IRS had put some of you in, regarding required minimum distributions for an IRA that you inherited.
On this episode of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions about dollar cost averaging, schemes to pay less tax, reducing volatility in investments, staying budget friendly when starting a busi
The high rate of inflation we are experiencing right now makes a case for why Social Security is so valuable.
On this episode of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions from you all about taxes on IRAs, freezing your credit reports, Series I Bonds and more.
How can we avoid planning to fail in our financial life?
On this episode of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions from you all about a retirement withdrawal strategy, tax savings in a trust, just what IRMAA is and more.
On today’s episode, Suze gives a brief overview of what happened in the economy this past week.
On this podcast of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions from listeners about rolling over 401Ks, beneficiaries, scholarships, early withdrawal penalties and so much more!
On this podcast of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions from listeners about unmarried IRA contributions, gifting Series I Bonds, delaying RMDs, buying a house in cash and much more!
On this podcast of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions from listeners about selling stocks to fund home repairs, rising home costs, 403’s, annuities, and much more!
A recent report from Fidelity reported that among its clients with an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) the average annual contribution has been around $4,100 to $4,300 for the past few years.
On this special Sunday podcast of Ask KT & Suze Anything, Suze answers questions from listeners about making changes to your will and trust, is gifting a Roth possible, and so much more!
On this podcast of Ask KT & Suze Anything, Suze answers questions from listeners about inheriting Roths, Series I Bond rates, Social Security and divorce, Elder care costs, home titles and more.
On this podcast of Ask KT & Suze Anything, Suze answers questions from listeners Sarah, Susan, Jenny, Marcia, Cindy, Albert and Diane, selected and read by KT. Plus, a Quizzie from Melissa.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from listeners Patty, Florence, Jacqueline, Eric, Tarima and Chuck, selected and read by KT. Plus, a Quizzie sent in by Joe.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Sheena, Jodi, Tina, Rosana, Terri, Corey, Eric, Laura and Beth selected and read by KT.
On this edition of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Erica, Leigh, Mary, Pam, Aga, Kamud, Jenny, Tracy and Tricia selected and read by KT.
Regret can be a powerful motivator to change behavior.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Rita, Rose, Ryan, Lori, Mary Beth, Erica, Joan, Rob and more selected and read by KT.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Yamuna, Kristen, Dianne, Amanda, Ruth, Michelle, Clara and more, all selected and read by KT.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Jen, Scotti, Jason, Inuti, Wilson, Suzanne, Silvia, Analli, and Roma, all selected and read by KT.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Lisa, Allisa, Beau, Catherine, Gabriel, Tammy, Kim, Ruth and Erin, selected and read by KT.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Cindy, Anonymous, Chris, Name Withheld, Antoinetta, and Tom selected and read by KT.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Karen, Liam, Gigi, Gayle, Iona and Davida selected and read by KT.
On this podcast, Suze presents the webinar she gave last week, which is a 2021 Action Plan designed to teach you how to be a Financial Warrior.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Linda, Debbie, Nicholas, Vicheal, Donna, Tova, Stacy and Kim selected and read by KT.
On this podcast, Suze gives us her 2021 financial predictions, focusing on the Stock Market and real estate.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners selected and read by KT.
On this podcast of Ask Suze (and KT) Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners selected and read by KT.
In this episode, Suze takes us back to “Suze School” for a lesson on Roth IRAs and the tax ramifications of each account. Pay attention and listen again, as this is important information to know.
On this podcast, Suze helps us deal with these crazy times. She takes us to Suze School for lessons about dollar-cost averaging,leaving one’s assets to one’s beneficiaries and standing in one’s truth.
In this edition of Ask Suze Anything, Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners Elizabeth, Anonymous, Allison, Susan, Joan, Everett, and Tasha.
In this podcast, Suze unveils the new Suze Ambassador Program.
In this podcast of Ask Suze Anything, we hear questions from Women & Money listeners Nadine, Linda, Jocelyn, and Maria.
On this podcast, we go to Suze School for an education on how the new SECURE Act will affect retirement accounts and what you need to know to make the right adjustments for your financial future.
In this special New Year’s podcast, Suze is once again joined by her spouse, KT. Together, they share a story about a memorable trip from 2019.
In this podcast, Suze shares three recent conversations she’s had with friends and family about their finances.
In this rapid-fire Ask Suze Anything podcast, we hear questions from Women & Money listeners Annun, Sonia, Annie, Nicole, Anonymous, Tara, Maureen, Justin, and Chelsea.
In this Ask Suze Anything podcast, we hear questions from Women & Money listeners Tiffany, Chris, Nancy, Pamela, Kim, Mary, and Ann.
Don’t be a financial wimp! In this episode, Suze tells us about a heartbreaking exchange she had with Women & Money listener Brenda, who was in danger of losing her home after a bad break-up.
In this podcast of Ask Suze Anything, Suze gives us an update on how she and KT faired during Hurricane Dorian. Then, she answers questions from Women & Money listeners: Tiffany, Liz, and Erica.
For those of you who haven’t yet tuned into my Women & Money podcast, you’re missing such a fantastic time. I am loving doing the show.
This episode of Ask Suze Anything is dedicated to information about retirement accounts, as Suze answers questions from Women & Money listeners: Kayla, Janeece, Krissy, Ashleigh, Jackelyn, Letty, and
In this episode of Ask Suze Anything, we hear from Cali, Crystal, Rene, Jodie, and Robin.
On this week’s Ask Suze Anything, Suze wants you to get things right!
There’s a wonderful fight going on that will make winners of investors who are paying attention.
There is new research that says couples that only have a joint bank account are happier than couples that keep some, or all of their money separate.
A new study that looked at the employment and pay patterns for people once they turn 50 should be a wake-up call for anyone approaching or in their 50s. About half of the people in the study suffe
This is a special bonus episode especially for Federal Employees whose pay is affected by the government shutdown in January 2019.
Happy New Year! I know this is a popular time of year to make resolutions, and for many of you that can include financial goal-setting. It’s also the time of year when we are hit with all sorts...
I am a big fan of taking the time to pause, take in a deep breath, and slow down. It helps to calm us, and more importantly to give us the ability to look at something anew...
When was the last time you checked that your investments still reflected your long-term investment strategy?
If your child or grandchild is getting paid for a summer job, it is an amazing opportunity for you to teach two of the most powerful financial lessons.
When you land a new job you are going to be totally focused on making a great first impression. But I also want you to make sure you take care of your financial future by steering clear of two all-too-common retirement mistakes.