The recent economic news that inflation has now slowed down is indeed great news, but it doesn’t erase all the pain that sharply rising prices in 2021 and 2022 have caused.
It’s that time of year again when I know many of you will be receiving a federal tax refund. And some may also be in line for a state refund as well.
A recent report from Fidelity reported that among its clients with an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) the average annual contribution has been around $4,100 to $4,300 for the past few years.
I know that many of you are going to receive refunds on your federal tax return, and possibly your state return as well when you file your 2021 returns.
Today, we go to Suze School and learn about the dangers of getting a tax refund and what’s going on with BitCoin. Plus, the latest on the Stock Market and a lesson on why Series I Bonds are great.
Over the next few weeks plenty of you will receive a refund on your federal tax return, and for those of you in states that charge income tax, you may get money back from your state treasurer as well.
Okay people, it’s that dangerous time of year. In the next month or so I know many of you will be receiving refunds on your federal tax returns, and some of you may also be in line for a state tax
You could have a great opportunity to boost your financial security in the next few weeks. Two developments could mean some extra money is landing in your bank account.
Unless you were completely tuned out at the end of last year, you know that Congress passed a controversial bill that upends all sorts of tax laws. Controversial because the biggest benefits go to
The average refund for federal tax returns is nearly $3,000. And I know plenty of you also end up getting some money back when you file your state tax as well. Don’t blow it! Look, I know how easy it is to see your refund as a windfall. And that triggers thoughts of vacations, new wardrobes, or a new gadget or two.
I am betting plenty of you have noticed the steep rise in prescription drug costs. According to the non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation, drug prices jumped more than 11% in 2014 and are estimated to have risen another 9.6% last year. And there’s no relief in sight. The expectation is that prices will rise about 4% in 2016. All of that is during a stretch when annual inflation has averaged less than 2%.
Spring is a dangerous time of year for your financial security. I know so many of you will be getting a tax refund; some of you may be getting money back from both Uncle Sam and your state. The danger is that you blow the money on a want, rather than focus on your needs.
I know you probably can compile a very long list of things you’d rather do than tackle your 2015 tax returns. But please listen to me: procrastination could cost you big time this year, if you anticipate you will be receiving a refund.
Spring is in the air! Springtime is about renewal and rebirth, and therefore a perfect to take stock of your life, and take charge of your finances. It’s time to get off the fence and spring clean your finances, ladies!
President Obama has announced a plan that would pay for 100% of the tuition for anyone who wants to attend a community college and can commit to remain on course to graduate from the two-year program